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Blog | Taking stock of the diversity of bottom-up biodiversity action
Halting and reversing biodiversity loss calls for ever more substantial efforts across the globe. There is broad consensus that transformative changes are needed. However, in the BIONEXT project we have learned that transformative change as a concept lacks concreteness. To deepen the understanding of the making of transformative change, we in the BIONEXT project have studied the options for change that evolve through bottom-up action.
Blog | Reflecting on COP16: transformative change or more of the same?
For 2 weeks in October, COP16 took over Cali. While it has been hailed as a “historic” “people’s” COP, many have criticised the summit for falling short on agreements on finance and monitoring. But what actually were the key decisions made at COP16, and what could they mean for transformative change?
Blog | Arriving at a nature-centered future: reflecting on the BIONEXT workshop on Transition Pathways
A future where nature and society are thriving together, with biodiversity at the heart of our decisions shaping and governing society: how do we get there? And how can we trigger such transformative change?
Blog | How is biodiversity influencing and being influenced by climate, food, water, energy, transport and health?
To halt or reverse biodiversity loss, it is critical to understand the role of biodiversity in food production and consumption, water quality and availability, climate regulation and mitigation, human and ecosystem health, energy production and means of transportation.
Blog | Empowering change: accelerating transformative action through stakeholder workshops
Through an iterative process of knowledge co-production, we BIONEXT researchers collaborate with a diverse group of stakeholders in four workshops to design desirable futures and multiple just transition pathways.
Blog | Unveiling Synergies: Biodiversity and the UN’s Climate Conference of 2023
With the global climate negotiations progressing, and countries now - for the first time ever! - being called on to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems, the role of biodiversity in tackling the climate crisis is becoming more and more apparent. But how did the COP28 in Dubai reflect nature and biodiversity loss?
Blog | What can we learn from reviewing over 1,000 biodiversity case studies?
We’ve read over 1,000 case studies related to biodiversity. Here’s what we’ve learnt so far.
Blog | Storytelling to touch the hearts
Visiting Milan to join the 2023 European Business and Nature Summit (EBNS 2023), where frontrunning European businesses will discuss their action on nature, my first stop is the city’s cathedral. What a powerful masterpiece this is. Inspirational, not only for architects and tourists, but also for everyone who wants to learn how to reach the hearts of people.
Blog | Building the knowledge base of biodiversity nexus
People and nature are interconnected in many ways. Our lives depend on nature’s goods and services, but our use of these resources has an impact on nature and its capacity to support us.
Blog | Wearing two hats: BIONEXT research and the IPBES Nexus Assessment
We are all familiar with the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in relation to one of the major challenges of our times: climate change. IPCC works in close consultation with governments to assess scientific knowledge about climate change.
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