BIONEXT timeline
September 2022
The project starting
New research and innovation project BIONEXT creates novel science-based solutions and tools for halting biodiversity loss and achieving sustainable, nature-centered future and societies.
May 2023
1st workshop: visioning nature-centered Europe
In a May workshop in Greece, stakeholders from different backgrounds such as research, policy, activism, and businesses, created scenarios and visions of what a nature-centered Europe looks like in the year 2050.
October 2023
Collection of over 1,000 biodiversity case studies
We’ve collected a critical mass of case studies from around the globe, all indicating transformative change.
November 2023
Understanding and strengthening the concept of transformative change
Our researchers dug deep into this idea of transformative change and how it connects the biodiversity nexus. They reviewed 118 scientific papers focusing on transformative change created in scientific communities working on the nexus elements of water, food, energy, transport, biodiversity, climate and/or health. -
February 2024
Poilcy Brief
The results and recommendations from the project are now summarized in a policy brief!
April 2024
A review of the nexus interlinkages
The scientific paper on the review of nexus interlinkages reviews past and present interlinkages among climate change, water, food, energy, transport and health through their relationship with biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people.
May 2024
Report on final exploratory scenarios and desirable visions
The report on final exploratory scenarios and desirable visions clarifies the development of a set of exploratory scenarios covering a range of plausible futures for Europe that are likely to show both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity over the short (2030), medium (2050) and long-term (2100). The scenarios will include internally consistent projections of both indirect and direct drivers of biodiversity loss.
May 2024
2nd workshop: just transition pathways
In our second workshop with stakeholders, we formulate just transition pathways.
May 2025
Documents and databases for IPBES assessments
"Documents and databases for IPBES assessments are collected by engaging with the relevant bodies of IPBES at the global and national levels to identify a process and timeline for the provision of materials from the BIONEXT project,
specifically for the IPBES Assessments on the Nexus and Transformative Change. " -
May 2025
3rd workshop: Identifying additional actions to enrich the transition pathways
This workshop focuses on identifying additional actions to enrich the pathways (i) where vision elements are distant from achieving the desired outcomes; (ii) that avoid/minimise any likely trade-offs, or enhance any synergies/opportunities; and (iii) that are critical for unlocking the transformative capacity of the relevant actors who have agency in implementing the pathways.
August 2025
Multi-criteria decision-support module
The module provides practical guidance and best practices for applying MCDA methods and tools providing support for participating the stakeholders and for understanding the problem as a whole on the basis of structured learning of the other stakeholders’ preferences.
May 2026
Final workshop: synthesis of the project outputs and guidance to transformative change
The fourth workshop presents a synthesis of the project outputs, The BIONEXT Pathways App will be demonstrated to the potential users, and the draft Guidance to facilitate transformative change towards improved conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services will be presented and discussed. The workshop brings together the methods and outcomes from the project into a set of building blocks that can be used by stakeholders to create their own just transition pathways specific to their geographic, social and cultural context.
August 2026
BIONEXT develops a new and ground-breaking decision support tool in the form of a software application. The Pathways app allows diverse users to explore transformational building blocks. The building blocks can then be used to formulate policies, strategies, and implementation pathways.